👋 Hello! I'm Jab11n.

I'm Jabin. I make cool things for fun! I mostly do stuff on the front end, like websites and clients for stuff, but I also make Discord bots and do some media stuff like video editing.

I'm a 15 year old high school student, and I am a Christian living in the United States.

I occasionally use Scratch, where you may know me as @-gr. I also go by -gr on sites like Hatch, Darflen, and wasteof.

GitHub X YouTube Bluesky Email Discord Darflen wasteof Scratch


Here are some of the projects I've made, am working on, or have contributed to:


Hatch is a Scratch-compatible project sharing website made by me and some other people. It's designed to be like Scratch but more advanced, with TurboWarp extension support and many new social features. Note: this is not a Scratch mod, simply just a social website for sharing projects.

hatch banner

jabin.is-a.dev (this)  

This is my main personal website. Here I put some information about me, links to my projects, and even occasionally a tool or something i need to put somewhere.

jabin.is-a.dev banner


CapyPic is my Discord bot that automatically fetches capybara images for you! It has a super easy slash command to get you a cute picture of a capybara. It's no longer hosted, but you may host it yourself or modify the source code if you'd like.

capypic banner

There is most certainly a project or two I haven't listed here. Check back another time, I guess?

Cool Stuff

Here are some cool things I have or use.


   i'm learning more languages i promise!!!


There aren't icons for all of these, so I'll just name them:


My PC is custom built.


I enjoy selfhosting things. I have a Dell Optiplex 7040M with 16GB RAM and 1TB HDD running Proxmox and I use it to selfhost a lot of stuff like Gitea, Discord bots, the Hatch Wiki and Hatch Forums, and whatever needs to be hosted.

My Setup

I have these items that I use for technological purposes!